Tag: Yarrow

  • Salve Ale Recipe: A Relaxing Herbal Beer

    Salve Ale Recipe: A Relaxing Herbal Beer

    Back in 2016, I brewed a beer that I called Salve Ale. My vision for the end result was a medicinal beer that would be very relaxing and have some sedative and healing effects. I ended up including 4 herbs along with some heavy hop additions, chosen both for their effects and for how the flavors…

  • Brewing with Yarrow

    Brewing with Yarrow

    Achillea millefolium, or yarrow, is a classic gruit herb that is prolific and easy to grow. It has been used medicinally throughout history. It’s most well known property is its ability to stanch wounds. Brewing with yarrow is easy and it provides a good foundation for an herbal ale. Foraging Yarrow Yarrow grows in a number…